Upgrading to 2.1 (Python)
2008-02-15 01:34:29 UTC
Hi all,

I just starting playing with FANN and I am quite impressed. Kudos!

I originally downloaded and installed 2.0 and then ran into a quirk (next
post). I figured before I ask a question about behavior, I should
probably try the latest and greatest before asking my question.

I have two suggestions for upgraders:
1) remove v2.0 python modules, they will conflict with 2.1.
for me,
# rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyfann*
did the trick.

2) read the README. The interface changed, alot.

Thanks for a great product,

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
2008-02-15 02:45:14 UTC
I ran into two quirks installing 2.1.0 on OpenBSD 4.1.

When building pyfann, I had to recompile doublefann.o with -fPIC. The
linker complained when trying to create _libfann.so. I had to perform
this step for 2.0.0 also.

For some reason, when linking _libfann.so for 2.1, the linker failed to
include libstdc++.so and I got a bunch of undefined symbols when trying
to run my python program. The fix was to explicitly add the -lstdc++
switch and link by hand. That fixed the problem. No idea why it happened
and don't know enough about ./configure to try and figure it out.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.

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