Richard Régul
2007-04-30 09:09:02 UTC
Hi, Im new on this mailing list.
First of all, thanks a lot for this powerful tool! :-D
Im using FannKernel on C#. I would like to use async operations, but I
cant find any documentation about this.
Witch is the difference between BeginRunData and RunDataAsync ?
And, for each of solution, how can I obtain results on my callback function?
A GetRunResult function would be fine, but do not seem to exist and I cant
find a equivalent.
Is there any documentation somewhere about asynchrone operations ?
Excuse me for my poor English.
Richard Régul
First of all, thanks a lot for this powerful tool! :-D
Im using FannKernel on C#. I would like to use async operations, but I
cant find any documentation about this.
Witch is the difference between BeginRunData and RunDataAsync ?
And, for each of solution, how can I obtain results on my callback function?
A GetRunResult function would be fine, but do not seem to exist and I cant
find a equivalent.
Is there any documentation somewhere about asynchrone operations ?
Excuse me for my poor English.
Richard Régul