error in compilation (Theodore John de Jesus)
Theodore John De Jesus
2007-04-22 10:11:47 UTC
Gee, thanks, I tried this: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib, and my
fann compilation is now working. Hope to hear from you again when I
encounter real prolblems. Thank you.
Theodore John De Jesus
2007-05-28 08:10:00 UTC
Hi, do you have a sample code for backpropagation in fann? I saw that it's a
predefined function but I don't know how to use it. I'm just new to ANN,
thanks :)
Steffen Nissen
2007-05-28 08:15:29 UTC
please see here:

Post by Theodore John De Jesus
Hi, do you have a sample code for backpropagation in fann? I saw that it's
a predefined function but I don't know how to use it. I'm just new to ANN,
thanks :)
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Project Administrator - Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
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