Seems like reasonable suggestions, could you please submit them to this
available there.
Post by Josh MenkeMaybe I'm coming in a little late for feature suggestions, but in light of
1. First, add a softmax objective function fo the ANN. This makes the
outputs of multi-class problems equal to the original output over the sum of
the rest of the outputs. It's also the canonical link function for a
multi-nomial output.
2. Then, add the Bayesian neural network training originally proposed by
MacKay and explained well in Bishop's latest book, "Pattern Recognition and
Machine Learning"<>
Yes, the ability to train ANNs in a Bayesian fashion is not new, but it's
also not part of any industry strength package yet.
This would allow you to train without using a hold-out set, and would
automatically handle weight decay and its corresponding parameter.
3. Add support for modeling time-varying (non-stationary) weights. Have
the weights be time dependent. One way to do this is through an extended
Kalman Filter. The following paper shows how to do this for just a single
You could extend that, and you could use Bishop's book to get the
derivatives you need to do that.
Just my suggestions!
Post by Steffen NissenThe FANN library has been accepted to participate in Google Summer of Code.
The library is not on the GSoC page ( yet,
but it should be there soon.
So now its up to the students to apply for GSoC.
Steffen Nissen -
Project Administrator - Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
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Joshua Menke, Ph.D.
Machine Learning Scientist
Trust and Safety Applied Research
ebay, Inc
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