inputs, outputs advice
Matt Shockley
13 years ago
I need some advice on handling the inputs and outputs for my NN.

What is the best way to handle continuous inputs and outputs? Use the
linear activation function for the inputs and outputs? What about the
hidden layer?
I would like to use datetime data for both an input and my output. What's a
good format for this?
Will the network be okay with a mix of numerical and categorical inputs?
What about scaling, is FANN's scaling function reliable?

Is there an effective way to weight certain inputs to have more impact on
the outputs or will the nature of the NN figure that out through training?

Summary of my problem:
I want to predict the arrival datetime and volume of a chunk of data that
hits my servers on a roughly daily basis.
I have extensive historical records. I will use these to train the network,
but I would like to add in some other inputs including some statistics that
I've calculated and various values out of the chunk of data itself. Many of
these values are continuous. I'd also like to factor in the date, day of
month, day of year, day of week and holidays as inputs.

13 years ago
Hi Matt,

I will try to answer some of your questions, probably not that much of FANN advice more like general ANN.

See inline marked adsp:

From: Matt Shockley <shockleyme-***@public.gmane.org>
To: fann-general-5NWGOfrQmneRv+***@public.gmane.org
Sent: Friday, 10 February 2012, 21:48
Subject: [Fann-general] inputs, outputs advice

I need some advice on handling the inputs and outputs for my NN.

What is the best way to handle continuous inputs and outputs? Use the linear activation function for the inputs and outputs? What about the hidden layer?

adsp: yes, linear activation for output layer, there is no activation function for inputs. Hidden could be sigmoid type.

I would like to use datetime data for both an input and my output. What's a good format for this?
Will the network be okay with a mix of numerical and categorical inputs?
What about scaling, is FANN's scaling function reliable?

adsp:  Just keep in mind that the network will not make any difference on the type of your inputs, they are just numbers. As a consequence, if you have lots of numbers of one category and just a few of the other, don't expect the ANN to see that difference. In other words, if yourinput space is a mix with different metrics, the network will try to find some commonality but depending on how different your inputs are, it might be close to impossible.In principle, during training you have to cover pretty much the whole of your input space fairly uniformly.

Is there an effective way to weight certain inputs to have more impact on the outputs or will the nature of the NN figure that out through training?

adsp: well, weights, you may try to initialise as you see fit, the recommended way is random... see above, space, metric, number of inputs on each "category" (subspace)...

Summary of my problem:
I want to predict the arrival datetime and volume of a chunk of data that hits my servers on a roughly daily basis.
I have extensive historical records. I will use these to train the network, but I would like to add in some other inputs including some statistics that I've calculated and various values out of the chunk of data itself. Many of these values are continuous. I'd also like to factor in the date, day of month, day of year, day of week and holidays as inputs.

adsp: a simple way I would go, might not yield satisfactory results, depending on your expectations... People try to use ANN to predict stock market :-) Your case is not far, since there is human behaviour involved...

Anyway, you can get a mapping between volume and time that would otherwise require extensive analysis.  I would just take volume (output) as a function of time (pick your resolution, but I wouldn't expect wonders if your volume jumps a lot from one minute to another). Inputs integers: year (0...n), month (0...11), day, hour... or maybe you prefer week and day of the week (0...6); there is this problem of Feb 29, I don't know what to do with it, just ignore it and accept you can't predict that day using this method?
I wouldn't bother with the year at all if you only have historic data going back 2 or 3 years.

Rather than a continuous output (volume) I would try a discrete (fuzzy value) like very high, (extreme even?), high, medium... You may split it in how many buckets you like, depending on your expected precision, but the finer you go, the higher your error will be, don't expect miracles.

You will have to re-work your input data to create the appropriate training data, but that's usually the big task in ANN.

Sorry if I disappointed you :-) it wasn't my intention.
Nice problem, by the way.


Matt Shockley
13 years ago
Thanks Adrian!

You really cleared up a lot of my confusion.

I took your advice and narrowed the scope a bit, I am starting with one of
my smaller historical data sets as a toy model to see how things perform.

Anyway, the problem now is scaling my inputs and outputs, as you stated. As
far as I'm aware, I cannot do this with FANN's functions since they scale
the entire input/output set to the same range, while my data requires many
different ranges. Or am I mistaken?

If I am scaling my data for both the input and output sets is it necessary
to use a linear activation function for the outputs? Could I scale
everything to 0-1 and stick with a sigmoid for both hidden and output?

I don't really want to break my volume into buckets of amounts since it
does not change that much, usually just a little up or down. Maybe it would
be good enough to have 3 cases - lower, higher or the same as the previous

Just a little more information about my solution for my problem. Right now
I have 5 inputs and 3 outputs.

Inputs (point in the history):

Time of Day-
When data arrives on the server (measured in minutes 0 - 720)

Day Expected Flag-
This is to simplify the problem. It will be 0 if data arrived on the
current day and 1 if it arrived on a following day.

Day of Month-

Day of Week-

Amount of data. Continuous but usually not hugely variable, I am really
including this to try and track / predict trends.

Outputs (point following the input point in history):

Time of Day-
Same as input

Next Day Flag-
Same as input

Same as input

You didn't disappoint me at all, I figured this would be a bit of a tricky
problem to tackle =)
But if I can get this ANN producing any kind of halfway decent results for
any of my outputs it would be greatly beneficial.

Thanks again,

Matt Shockley
Adrian Spilca
13 years ago
Hi Matt,

Scaling: yes, it's recommended to scale your data to below 1. And in
line to what I have said before it has to be over the whole I/O space.
This shouldn't be a problem, if you go with my suggestion you only have
integers of small range.

Linear: if there is no much variation in output and you are happy with 3
(limited number of) buckets, go with sigmoid.

Sigmoid 0...1: I would strongly encourage bipolar sigmoid (-1...1), even
if it doesn't come natural for positive only I/O, the network will be
better balanced around 0.
No problem, just scale the data so that where it was 0 now it will be
-1. Outputs will be binary, if you have 3 outputs, only one should be on
1 at any time, the other two should be -1 (Note. Those are ideal values,
if you don't over-train, you shouldn't get the extremes +1 and -1 but close)

Inputs: if you go for day 0...6 I would go with week 0...51 and not
month. And I would rather introduce another input "hour" so that the
minutes range is reduced. I'd rather favour more inputs than significant
difference in ranges.
Volume is not an input for you ANN. Training data should have inputs
(time) and outputs (volume bucket at that time - minute if you want).
We are talking simple Feed-Forward (Multilayered Perceptron). Although
you input a time value to your ANN, for ANN this is just a "static"
input, a snapshot with no succession/flow defined. If you are not happy
with this model, you have to look for recursive ANN, TDNN (Time-Delay
NN)... I'm a bit rusty with FANN, but I don't think there is no
recursive, nevermind TDNN.

Outputs: As above, no point having some of the inputs as outputs. It
must be some documentation on FANN about how to build a training file
(basically, a list of training vectors made of inputs followed by
outputs corresponding to that input).

Year: I have just realised after posting last message that the "year"
doesn't really fit my proposed model. I assumed your volume follows some
sort of cyclical rules within a year and that you could extract from
your history. It's not exactly a "predictor" as you try to do, this is
probably why "Day Expected Flag" doesn't really make sense for me...

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