Problem in compilation
Theodore John De Jesus
2007-04-13 03:08:20 UTC
Hi I'm so new in ANN and stuff. could you help me with this problem: i tried
to compile the xor_train.c but error occured. Here's what I typed:

[***@localhost examples]$ gcc -O3 -lm -lfann xor_train.c -o xor_train
[***@localhost examples]$ ./xor
xor_test xor_test_fixed xor_train
[***@localhost examples]$ ./xor_train
./xor_train: error while loading shared libraries: libfann.so.2: cannot open
shared object f le: No such file or directory

I checked libfann.so.2, it's existing, located in usr/local/lib
Thank you for you time :)
Steffen Nissen
2007-04-13 19:47:10 UTC
you need to include usr/local/lib in your library path e.g.:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
Post by Theodore John De Jesus
Hi I'm so new in ANN and stuff. could you help me with this problem: i
xor_test xor_test_fixed xor_train
./xor_train: error while loading shared libraries: libfann.so.2: cannot
open shared object f le: No such file or directory
I checked libfann.so.2, it's existing, located in usr/local/lib
Thank you for you time :)
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Project Administrator - Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
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