The basic idea is you train once on all your data, and then test on your
validation set. Then you monitor whichever performance metric you care
about. MSE, accuracy, cross-entropy, precision, recall, preferably cost if
you can.
If fann doesn't support your performance metric, then you need to either
write a test call back, or your own test_on_data function.
Then, you stop training when your performance stops improving. How you
define that is also up to you. I do something like, if there has been no
improvement in 100 epochs, I randomly choose from the best nets I've seen to
I've wanted to try something like a sign test to measure statistical
significance between epochs, but then I got into Bayesian methods where you
don't need a validatoin set.
Post by Chris SpencerBut how do you do it? Do you just call train_on_data until test_data
gives a small enough MSE for your validation set?
Post by Josh MenkeIt's not built in to fann, but you can do it yourself. With ANNs I don't
usually use cross-validation, but instead just a single validation set.
Post by Josh Menkeis mostly due to the size of the sets I use though (millions).
Post by Chris SpencerIs there any way to perform cross-validation during training with
either the backprop or cascade correlation methods? I don't see any
explicit methods for this in the docs. I see the short paragraph
"Avoid Over-Fitting" on the advanced usage page, but it doesn't
actually describe how to do this.
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Joshua Menke
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