Vincenzo Di Massa
2007-06-25 09:30:15 UTC
Hi all,
the forum is down, so I'll write it here :-)
I updated the git repositori of vfan witk zkira's som implementation.
I did not test it yet, and also changed the way running a som network works
(in order to better adhere to the MIMO API)
Please check out the code and tell me if what I did is wrong.
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the forum is down, so I'll write it here :-)
I updated the git repositori of vfan witk zkira's som implementation.
I did not test it yet, and also changed the way running a som network works
(in order to better adhere to the MIMO API)
Please check out the code and tell me if what I did is wrong.
This email is sponsored by DB2 Express
Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.