Double Sigmoid activation functions
Poul-Erik Andreasen
2007-04-27 11:41:59 UTC

Even i am not a C-Writer. never the less i would like to try to
contribute with the double sigmoid activation functions.

I know the function and i can problely mange to write it.
but Are there anything else to it, than put it in
fann_activation.h and update the switch statement?

Poul-Erik Andreasen

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Steffen Nissen
2007-04-28 10:43:03 UTC
The main part that needs to be done in order to add an activation function
is to implement the activation function and the derived activation function
in fann_activation.h, and update the enum.

After this, a quick search through the sourcecode and a steady hand can
integrate the activation function in all the required places.

Post by Poul-Erik Andreasen
Even i am not a C-Writer. never the less i would like to try to
contribute with the double sigmoid activation functions.
I know the function and i can problely mange to write it.
but Are there anything else to it, than put it in
fann_activation.h and update the switch statement?
Poul-Erik Andreasen
This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
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Project Administrator - Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)