Indeed that was the problem...
I was linking to doublefann instead of floatfann.
should be linked only.
Thanks for the support and I appreciate your efforts.
Post by Steffen NissenThat should not fix anything, as the XOR problem only has one output.
Please let me know how you compile the source, perhaps you are linking
with doublefann instead of floatfann.;a=tree;f=examples;hb=HEAD;a=blob;f=examples/cascade_train.c;h=35bae4b9a0e022770c97995d6301aab6e08680e8;hb=HEAD
Post by Othman Soufanconst unsigned int num_output = 2;
solves the problem.
So, instead of setting num_output = 1 as listed on the Getting Started
Post by Othman Soufannum_output = 2 seems to overcome the problem of large output differences.
xor test (-1.000000,1.000000) -> 0.000000
So, would you kindly confirm if this is the proper solution or am I
Post by Othman Soufansomething?
Thanks for the immediate response.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fann.h>
#include "floatfann.h"
#include "libMSVM.h" // Generic structure and function
Post by Othman Soufan#include "libtrainMSVM.h" // Training functions (not required for
predictions only)
Post by Othman Soufan#include "libevalMSVM.h" // Evaluation functions (also used during
Post by Othman Soufan#include "memory.c"
#include "math.h"
//1. Consider having a matrix for the output layer when we have multiple
class i.e. one-to-all representation
Post by Othman Soufanint main()
const unsigned int num_input = 2;
const unsigned int num_output = 1;
const unsigned int num_layers = 3;
const unsigned int num_neurons_hidden = 3;
const float desired_error = (const float) 0.001;
const unsigned int max_epochs = 500000;
const unsigned int epochs_between_reports = 1000;
//Training the ANN
struct fann *ann = fann_create_standard(num_layers, num_input,
num_neurons_hidden, num_output);
Post by Othman Soufanfann_set_activation_function_hidden(ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC);
fann_set_activation_function_output(ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC);
fann_train_on_file(ann, "", max_epochs,
epochs_between_reports, desired_error);
Post by Othman Soufan//Testing the ANN
fann_type *calc_out;
fann_type input[2];
input[0] = -1;
input[1] = 1;
calc_out = fann_run(ann, input);
printf("xor test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", input[0], input[1], calc_out[0]);
return 0;
Send us the code plz...
For sure has a small mistake.
Weight are initialized randomly, so different result is expected. The
very large number you observed in the first run is, however, not expected.
Post by Othman SoufanPost by Othman SoufanDear Group,
After I have installed FANN, I went and tried to run the example on the
"Getting Started" page.
Post by Othman SoufanPost by Othman SoufanHowever, each time I run the program on the, I get a different
Post by Othman SoufanPost by Othman SoufanI would like to mention that I have combined the training and testing
programs in one program.
Post by Othman SoufanPost by Othman SoufanMax epochs 500000. Desired error: 0.0010000000.
Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2505536079. Bit fail 4.
Epochs 26. Current error: 0.0007957527. Bit fail 0.
xor test (-1.000000,1.000000) -> -319531589830587711488.000000
Max epochs 500000. Desired error: 0.0010000000.
Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2500049174. Bit fail 4.
Epochs 23. Current error: 0.0009584196. Bit fail 0.
xor test (-1.000000,1.000000) -> -0.000002
Max epochs 500000. Desired error: 0.0010000000.
Epochs 1. Current error: 0.2502186596. Bit fail 4.
Epochs 30. Current error: 0.0009348781. Bit fail 0.
xor test (-1.000000,1.000000) -> 0.000000
I would like to know why I am receiving such weird outputs that differs
from each other.
Best Regards,
Steffen Nissen, MSc
Post by Othman SoufanTry Windows Azure free for 90 days Click Here
Best Regards,
Steffen Nissen, MSc
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